Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
Standard Set
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
- What made you interested in this topic?
- What do you hope to achieve by participating?
- Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?
July 9, 2011, 12:54 a.m.
Location: Toledo, OH
Standard Set Answer:
- I have been developing websites using frameworks and plugins and really want to work from the ground up.
- I hope to gain a solid understanding so that I can wrtie from the ground up and know really what to do when debugging.
- I would if time allows.
July 8, 2011, 8:11 p.m.
Training to become a relevant web developer.
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested because I started a small project that I think will benefit from javascript on the frontend. I hope my participation here will make javascript syntax and usage more obvious to me since I generally don't like guessing what my code will do.
I am not entirely familiar with how P2PU works or how these courses are organized but I am interested in finding the best ways to teach material. So I am willing to give some time to help organize the study group.
July 7, 2011, 7:40 a.m.
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested in Javascript because I have been working in web design and development for a number of years but haven't taken any official courses in Javascript. I am capable of making adjustments to javascript and can read it but haven't written any solid scripts beyond a small handful of lines. I wish to get the basic foundation to improve upon.
bleep Purple
July 7, 2011, 4:37 a.m.
Location: Glasgow
Standard Set Answer:
I manage a creative studio and want to increase my knowledge in webcraft
July 5, 2011, 10:17 a.m.
Location: The Netherlands
Standard Set Answer:
Learning Javascript from hello world to fancy jquery plugins :-)
Benny Daon
July 5, 2011, 2:52 a.m.
Location: Tel Aviv
Standard Set Answer:
I'm getting ready t setup a study group of teenagers, thinking this course can be a nice start
July 5, 2011, 1:10 a.m.
I'm an IT student, at Dr. José Matías Delgado University. I think, it is not a bad idea to learn new things if we have the time. "The web is knowledge" is something I always have on mind.
I would be glad to share my knowledge with others, I already know Visual Basic, a little bit of Java, MySQL and related databases management solutions. I also know a bit how to use software like Photoshop, After Effects, Adobe Audition, Anime Studio Pro...
Location: El Salvador
Standard Set Answer:
Before anything, my English is not at 100% (my native languaje is spanish...).
Hello everyone, I'm interested in this topic because, many jobs on my country requires JavaScript, besides that, it has always interested me, but since that wasn't taught on college, I take this oportunity to learn something new.
After participating in this, I hope to have more chances of getting a job before I finish the university, and also, I would like to help other people.
I'm also interested helping with the study group organization,because I think, you always learn more from other people, even if you are teaching them. BUT not as an organizer.
At the end, I just want to learn something new, and share what I know, with other people.
July 4, 2011, 7:38 a.m.
Just me
Location: Portugal
Standard Set Answer:
the need i feel to know something abou JS
create some grear scripts :)
It would be great when I get some skills.
Thank you
percy blanco
July 3, 2011, 3:41 p.m.
aficionado a la ciencias de la computacion
Location: Chimbote Peru
Standard Set Answer:
¿Qué lo hizo interesarse en este tema?
python es el lenguaje del futuro ya que se puede usar tanto para programar juegos asi como para programas webs
¿Qué espera lograr al participar?
aumentar mi conocimineto
¿Está interesado(a) en ayudar con la organización del study group?
Farhad Kia
July 3, 2011, 12:41 p.m.
Standard Set Answer:
What made you interested in this topic?
i love it
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
all things you think
Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?
yes of course
July 3, 2011, 10:08 a.m.
I am a large, hairy socialist and free software enthusiast. I also work with open source stuff at York St. John University, and interested in open education.
Location: York, UK
Standard Set Answer:
I already know and use JavaScript at a reasonable level. However, some aspects of it are new to me (I have only recently started working with JQuery and Ajax, for instance), while there are other areas I know little of (e.g. Canvas). I wish to develop my own JavaScript skills, but also hope that I could offer support to others who are just starting out.
Cyber Guy
July 3, 2011, 8:29 a.m.
Standard Set Answer:
1. To make pages more faster to work and reduce server side clutter.
2. Learn from basics to advanced of the Javascript.
3. Of course, i will help whereever i feel my suggestion will matter.
July 3, 2011, 6:41 a.m.
I'm a boy working trying to grow into adulthood.
Location: TEXAS
Standard Set Answer:
I'm taking a beginer web programming class online at San Antonio College, using the Deitel Programming the World Wide Web 4th ed.
I like that class and book, but feel it is a little to high level and want to dig a little deeper (esp. in JavaScript) so I'm gonna start this course to really learn and begin to know the material, while doing my schooling to get a degree.
July 2, 2011, 5:17 p.m.
I work with sql databases, TSQL, PLSQL in a team of apps developers in well known international enterprise.
Location: Lodz, Poland
Standard Set Answer:
I am looking for some source of information where I could be able to learn new things from. Especially I am intrested in getting to know more about web programming. Hopefully taking part in p2ps will let me gain some knowledge. I will help to organize study groups at any time I am capable to.
July 1, 2011, 9:20 p.m.
Location: Chennai , India
Standard Set Answer:
I want to learn some basics !
June 30, 2011, 9:04 p.m.
Just a small town boy still trying to make it big...
Location: Florida
Standard Set Answer:
I've been playing with web design for about 5 years now but have mainly been using Serif's WebPlus WYSIWYG programs. Been playing with Worpress for almost a year.Have had Dreamweaver CS3 for almost 3 years & am still trying to learn how to use it. Long story short- I've outgrown WebPlus and now I want to be able to do more with Dreamweaver. I'm familiar with HTML, now it's time to learn CSS, Javascript & PHP.
I am familiar with the concept of Javascript and have a couple of books about it; looking to get some hands on experience (practice/implementation) by participating in this group.
And yes, I am interested in helping with the study group organization.
June 29, 2011, 10:38 p.m.
I am interested in Art, Design, and Technology.
Location: Riverside, CA
Standard Set Answer:
After graduating from school I pursued a career in web design with html, and css. I soon learned that was just the start and I knew I had to start learning other languages and technologies to make my static html and css pages come alive.
I hope after learning javascript or at least the basics, is to become more comfortable and utilize the tool involved with javascript.
If I am abled to help another group member I'm all for it, that why we are all here to learn from one another, open-web.
June 29, 2011, 2:39 a.m.
I like to learn. I expect that my experience here grow up!
Location: mexico city
Standard Set Answer:
I'm interested in this topic, because I love to learn and I want to start with develope of web pages. this topic it's interesting and neccesary. I'll achieve my first web page with HTML and of course javascript
And I hope colaborate in this group and make our knowlegde grow up.
TJ Walsh
June 29, 2011, 12:41 a.m.
Focused on learning, and teaching.
Location: Austin, TX
Standard Set Answer:
Looking to learn more JS - jQuery, node.js, etc. JavaScript has many frameworks/libraries.
To learn and progress with others interested in learning the foundation of JS and then moving on towards jQuery and node.js
Yes, I'm very interested in sharing whatever knowledge I have achived.
Gunga Din
June 28, 2011, 3:13 p.m.
Water Carrier
Location: Walnut Creek, CA
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested in learning as much about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as possible.
I hope to attain a better understanding of how to use JavaScript.
I am not currently interested in helping organize but maybe in the near future.