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Full Description [April 11, 2011, 2:47 p.m.]

The Help Desk is a place to:


• discuss P2PU's peer learning platform and it's differences from formal/traditional environments

• seek guidance on the various ways to design study groups, from basic collaborative research done by peers to groups led by experts, like traditional courses

• seek guidance on how to use external meeting tools for your study group (skype, video/voice conference, etc)

• seek feedback for study group ideas and tasks

Who runs the Help Desk?


Hopefully everyone involved! But Alison Cole is the main facilitator of the space. You can contact her at anytime with any questions you have.


Our Values


P2PU is open: Open sharing and collaboration enable participation, innovation, and accountability. Our community is open so that everyone can participate. Our content is open so that everyone can use it. Our model and technology are open to enable experimentation and ongoing improvement. And our processes are open so that we are accountable to our community.

P2PU is a community: P2PU is a community-centric project and our governance model reflects that. P2PU is driven by volunteers, who are involved in all aspects of the project. As members of this community, we speak and act with civility, tolerance, and respect for other opinions, people, and perspectives. We strive for quality as a community driven process of review, feedback and revision.

P2PU is passionate about peer learning: P2PU is teaching and learning by peers for peers. Everyone has something to contribute and everyone has something to learn. We are all teachers and we are all learners. We take responsibility for our own and each others learning.