Missed Last night (Wednesday)... Spent evening Screencasting and partaking in "Follow The Sun" @Australia contingency. I legitimately said G'Day and Mate more than once and they liked it! LOL (cool) .. Just as informative and encouraging attending this in-world global function.. I posted a 15 minute Screencast to Scoop.it page http://www.scoop.it/t/educating-in-the-21st-century-shift-happens and tweeted with Jason Silva @jason_silva DO see this up and coming Technology RockStar here: https://vimeo.com/38061982 ... What I'm trying to say is that I had options a plenty for in-world activities last night that took the entire night and (again) into the wee hours :)
I am "off" this coming week as we are on Spring break. I will be in attendance in-world on Monday night as our schedule indicates we are meeting then. I also Downloaded and installed Unity 3D las night and watched a segment from Reaction Grid's founder. I might suggest (as educators) feverishly boning up on technology 'chops', that we either create a MOOC after this one, dedicated to immersing ourselves into this or to explore Reaction Grid 3DUnity and the advent of Jibe... This 'movement' it seems is 'welling up' to be THE multi-platform access with insane creation capabilities with CAD-like Mesh tools for creating and rendering ANYTHING FRANKLY that is CGI capable into VR Worlds...(!) WITHIN A BROWSER INTERFACE?! (no less). and.. with access to port inventories, dedicate personal server Islands (of your own) upload and network to grid(s) and grid-jump (he heh).. into all other Sim / grids out there... This is HOT.. and it's looking like the "Singularity" for lack of a better term is running up on us faster than expected in this way. (sweating...)
As I am a huge proponent for educator's getting on the 'Shift Happens' band wagon and teckking up so to say... Even I am beggining to feel the burn from moving really quick as technological morphology with rapidly deploying tools are seemingly being advanced by "others" and I am feeling slightly behind a curve... Slightly. This MOOC is highly watched if not actively participated in from the surge of the "WOW" effect from the recent VWBP Conference... Let's align some attention to new comers and embrace as well as acknowledge the fear factor and Frick it factor (sorry).. What I mean by this is that many don't even have the technology chops to keep up with the Distance Ed MEME (found here) to stay on task from jacking into SL, conforming to time zones, using SL software or in my case an open software (Singularity browser) and searching the Meet up locations through using search engines and back engineering the way for me to find our meet up's because my viewer doesn't Jibe (no punn) with the SLURL as posted from our MOOC (just...sayin'), others might find this too much and drop out in more ways than just the MOOC.
Also there are educator's pumped and psyched to be part of this MOOC Movement that we need to "look backward" and see if we lost them in the dust... Not unlike what we intuitively do for NoOb's in Second Life... The most attractive thing I have seen in Second Life is that most everybody extends leniency, patience, tolerance and enhanced courtesy to make sure others become trained and feel comfortable in-world :) This is the case here too (don't mis-understand me please), I am merely making a suggestion for our decorum going forward as I see that this is a really great venue for us to grab hold of and make SING even more... I was thinking too (oh boy) that maybe I could petition for PD credit from my district for adequately participating in a MOOC. Since there is no accreditation or credits given, as it is purely for personal enhancement and for investinment in one's self for the imminent and encroaching technology shift happening as I speak... PD options given within my school district are effectively a joke, compared to this and to what we are doing as professionals and in entirely a voluntary fashion.. GOOD ON US THEN! and VIVA MOOC! lol.