Week 2 - Overview
Welcome back for Week 2. This week, we’ll take a look at some writing habits, tools, and toys, spend time writing together, and thinking about and discussing how others develop writing habits in their classrooms. Our focus, this week and next, is on writing across the curriculum - stuff we can do to promote writing in our classrooms whatever our content area.
This week’s activities:
This week’s activities:
Don’t miss our live meeting on Tuesday, October 18th at 7:30PM Mountain time. This week, we’ll be following up on our Common Core Annotation Activity as well as talking with some teachers who are writing in their classrooms with students. The recording of every live session is available on the course syllabus immediately following each session. Tonight's guests will be:
- Meredith Stewart, who teaches middle and high school history at Cary Academy in Cary, NC, where she developed the school's first blended learning class. She previously taught middle school English and designed a Local Foods Camp and Local Foods Club at Cary Academy. In addition to her class blog, she maintains a reflection blog on her experiences with teaching and learning. She's also written about her work in the classroom for Edutopia and Ed Leadership. In addition, she posts regular updates about life and her work @msstewart on Twitter and has guest moderated #engchat, a weekly Twitter discussion for English teachers. Meredith serves as an administrator for the English Companion Ning, an online professional network of over 28,000 educators. In the past year, she presented at the National Association of Independent Schools, EduCon, NC Association of Independent Schools,National Council of Teachers of English, and ASCD annual conferences. Meredith holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Richmond and graduate degrees from Duke University School of Law and Duke University Divinity School.
- Zac Chase - bio forthcoming.
- Complete and be in discussion around our Habits, Tools and Toys Activity.
- Continue writing online in whatever space(s) make sense for you.