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Week 4: Overview [April 9, 2012, 9:55 a.m.]

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! This week is our final week of the MOOC and is all about discussing the Leading Edge of virtual world implementation in education.


Week 4 Bleeding Edge or Leading Edge

Monday April 9

World of Warcraft Wrap-up Night
Rally Point in Second Life - Front Range

6pm SLT

Wrap-up disussion in Second Life

Then for anyone who would like to join - up we'll try some dungeons & battlegrounds

Tuesday April 10
 Leading Edge with Beverly G. McCarter

Rally Point in Second Life - Front Range

6pm SLT

Wednesday April 11
Leading Edge with Lyr Lobo

Rally Point in Second Life - Front Range

6pm SLT

Thursday April 12

Early Minecraft!
Noon - 130 pm SLT
Epic Adventures
Minecraft Visit with Knowclue Kidd

MOOCs, Open Course & Connectivism
6 or 7  pm SLT (TBD)
Cog Dis Vent

Friday April 13

Saturday April 14

EveOnline Overview:
Rally Point in Second Life - Front Range

6pm SLT

EveOnline Tour with John Carter McKnight
You will need to download the trial version of EveOnline from Thre is a 14 day trial so we recommend waiting until Friday before downloading it. 


7pm SLT

Sunday April 15
MOOC Wrap-up