This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Week 5 - Overview [Nov. 7, 2011, 12:44 a.m.]

Welcome to the next to the last week of class!  This week, focus on:

  • Our end of course task.  Are you thinking about how to craft a writing assignment?  What should writing look like in your classroom?
  • If you've not yet done so, take a moment to drop a few thoughts into the mid-course feedback form.  
  • I've added some collections of my online reading around Common Core and writing.  I suspect you have some links to share, too.
  • See you for this week's live session, on Tuesday, November 8th, at 7:30pm Mountain, where Fred and Joe will share some of their experiences working on thinking about Common Core and curriculum.  Also, we'll be talking more about Writing Across the Curriculum as inspired by Karen's post.