What's Next..... [April 18, 2012, 7:13 p.m.]
We started after a large conference and that seems to be a great trigger event to continue the discussion, get additional speakers and just learn more.
We also found we call ourselves MOOCers.
So where do we go from here?
Machinima Course/Challenge
But with a bit of a twist.
What we need are the recording of your avatars in any world speaking.
DId you ever see the video "Tech Star"
We'd like to do a parody and make it "Machinima Star " may even do a second version called "Ed Tech"
Alternate Reality Games (ARG)
Tenatively May
Machinima Course
Tenatively June 4- 18
Some additionals...
The guild Cognitive Dissonance on the Ally side would be more than happy for us to organize discussions through vent one night a week on broad tech or education topics. Or it cold be bi-monthly. Or monthly. This cool be a cool collaboration whether you are playing WoW or in for the conversation.
Do we consider a warm-up and a wrap-up to the 5th annual Federal Consortium for Virutal Worlds Conference http://paxsims.wordpress.com/2012/04/13/5th-annual-federal-consortium-for-virtual-worlds-conference/ Perhaps inviting Bev and Lyr back for their take on the conference?
The ISTE happens Jun 23 - 27 http://www.iste.org/conference/ISTE-2012.aspx
There are a few of MOOCers who will be going. And there are a few of the Cog Dis guild who are going to include our "Guild Elder" Peggy Sheehy who opening the conference with Mario Armstrong.
To Be continued....
EVE Online Tour II- TBD but obviously within the next 10 days
Wrap-Up, Dance, Music, etc - TBD
Rally Point in Second Life - Front Range